This quote "Anyone who has never made a mistake,has never tried anything new." -By Einstien
This quote is one of my favorites because this helps me remember try new things. The meaning is when you try something new well the chance is you are going to make a mistake. If you never make mistakes then really you have never tried anything new because nobody is perfect.

This quote "Never play with the feelings of others because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time." -By William shakespeare. This quote is one of my favorites because this tells me don't hurt anyones feelings because the chance is that they will not want to be your friend if you treat them badly. The meaning of this quote/precept is to not treat people rudely or badly because they will not want to be your friend because you are mean.

My book review on Wonder. I thought wonder was a great book it had powerful sentences and descriptive words. My reaction to wonder was very suprised when Auggie's dog Daisy died it was very sad to. My strong connection I had with the book Wonder was that when they got a new dog that was a black lab and named it Bear because it looked like a black bear cub. I connected with that part because I used to have a a dog Bear we also named it Bear because he looked like a bear cub. I will always remember not to make fun of people because of they're appearance, it is not always they're fault. I will also always remember the precepts like "Always try to be a little kinder than necessary." If I were to give this book a mark out of 10 it would be 9.5/10