On Christmas Eve, I woke up and screamed 1 day ti'll Christmas!!! I popped open my christmas advent calendar chocolate number 24  and no figure, it was Hello Kitty chocolate. Then, I had to get ready to go to my dads. I had to get ready and look pretty because it was Christmas at my dads, because on Christmas day its my mom's day.  I went to my dads and headed out to Abbotsford to my dads girlfriend's house. We opened our gifts first because my dads girlfriends kids had to go to their dads and they wanted to see us open up their gifts. One of my favourite gifts from them was a TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT TICKET!!!!!!  Me and my sister got one ticket. After that we had a nice dinner. We had mash potato's and shake' n bake chicken with peas. It was yummy, after that we just hung out and chilled. We started driving home at 9:30pm we were home at 10:00pm. And then when we got home to mom's we put gingerbread cookies out for santa.

1/8/2013 11:28:38 pm

you got a hello kitty chocolate funny because I got a big milk chocolate hello kitty that was hollowed out, from my moms old school teacher


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